Pet Supplies Plus

Since 1991, Goodman Venegas Insurance Agency has been working with Pet Supplies Plus stores to provide a comprehensive and consultative approach to ensure you have the right coverage for your store.


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“What our clients say”

“Accident Fund has partnered with Goodman Venegas for over 25 years. Their desire to truly understand the intricacies of workers’ compensation insurance has given them a competitive advantage in the industry and has fostered our strong working relationship with them. They have been very active on our various agency councils, providing us input on how we can improve as a company to better assist their clients. Our shared goal of keeping workers safe and claims costs down has created a support network for policyholders that is second to none. We are proud to partner with agencies such as Goodman Venegas and look forward to doing business with them for many years to come.”-Keith Adkins, Vice President of Marketing- Accident Fund Holding, Inc.